Belle on the TJMS: How to Handle V-Day When You're Single

"Belle" and Jacque at Harlem Fashion Row  

This morning, I called into the Tom Joyner Morning Show to speak with the crew, plus my friend and TJMS correspondent Jacque Reid, about how to celebrate Valentine’s Day if you're single (or about to be). 

Check out the audio here. 



Jacque Reid talks to Demetria Lucas, author of ‘Don’t Waste Your Pretty’ and star of [That Show] about what women should do on Valentine’s Day if they’re single.

“If you’re in a relationship you definitely need to get him a gift. He wants to be pampered just like you. But the end goal is a little sex,” Lucas said.

JR: Should accept gifts from a guy you’re not into:

“If you’re not feeling him you shouldn’t just use him for dinner companionship.”

JR: What if he’s it? There’s no one else?

You need to suck it up and be alone.

JR: What should you do if you’re single:

“This is your day to hang out with your girlfriends, have a staycation, go out to the spa, do all the things in your city that you’ve always wanted to do , but never have time.... Valentine’s Day is not all about romantic love, you have to love yourself before you can expect anyone else to.

Jay: Should ladies send themselves flowers if they don’t have anyone?

I’m not mad it. If you want some roses, buy yourself some roses.

TJ: Is it possible for standards to be too high?

Yes, absolutely. If you can’t meet anyone, at all, ever and there’s a problem with everyone? It’s not them, it’s you.

JR: V-Day can be a make or break time. What if it’s just not working out. Should you cut ties before Valentine’s Day?

Every man in America is gonna be mad at me: No. Stay on and get your flowers and your gifts and have a good day. You put in the work to get that far, you get your reward.

Check out the full interview: HERE