I went to the White House last night. I have prayed for and dreamed about going while the Obamas are there. I had the same reaction— no greater— than when I went to the Epcot and the Magic Kingdom a couple months ago. Fun Fact: everyone who works in (or at?) The White House has, like, Disney training... Or maybe Disney has White House training. I dunno. I do know that when I arrived, and was walking to the main entrance, everyone I passed who worked there said, "welcome to the White House!" Like, it's how they say "hello!" As in, "welcome to the White House! May I take your coat?" And everyone smiles. They act like people who love their jobs.
But I'm getting ahead of the story. Let me start at the beginning.
BET hosted a "Love & Happiness" concert at the White House, the last of its kind before POTUS leaves office. In short, they invited 750-1000 black people-- there were maybe five white people in the room, including Bradley Cooper— to come party with The Obamas.
I got an invite. Lucky-- and hard praying--me.
So I go... because, duh.
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