We're staying in the Old Town of Cartagena. It's a walled city. Literally, a stone wall around it. It's sort of like staying in Times Square. Lotta shops and resties and hotels. It's super touristy and a heavy police presence to make sure the tourists are safe. There's a zero percent crime rate. (This does not hold outside the walls.)
At night, the performers and vendors come out. You can buy anything from cocaine (dirt cheap) to art to fresh fruit.
There are also these rappers. This one group plays the instrumental to some old Dr. Dre beat on a loop. Every time we leave our "house", the guys run up on CBW (and every group of black people), and spit lyrics. The same lyrics. All I can make out is when they say "Michael Jordan". We keep walking, and they just follow along or beside us spitting until the verse is done. Then they all dap up and walk off to look for the next person. It's annoying as hell.
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