The don't judge "brigade" would be far more tolerable if they weren't so judgmental. And sexist.
When they say "don't judge", what they really mean is I don't believe women should have opinions, especially not strong ones--- because never, not never have I seen "don't judge" on a predominately male thread, or even seen it said to a man. It says a lot about how women are valued-- or not-- in our culture.
Who am I to have an opinion?
I'm MF ME, b.
What they also mean is "I disagree with the majority opinion and lack the proper "verbal" skills to convey that" or "I relate to the topic being judged and feel personally attacked even though no one is talking about me." Sometimes it also means, "I go to church, am very religious, and want everyone else to live by my values." Uh, no.
All of which I point out to say, if the best reponse you have to something you read is "Don't judge!", I implore you to keep scrolling, because really, no one wants to hear that sh--. And yes, I'm speaking for everyone. You're also adding nothing to the dialogue. If you're going to contribute, at least try to be purposeful.
Just FYI: no one's going to stop the conversation because you showed up in your church hat to play moral police or can't convey your thoughts effectively, or decided to be offended about something that no one knows concerns you.
Have an actual opinion. It's okay. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Now judge that.