I wish I could take credit for this one. It's everything I've ever wanted to say, but notably didn't put so cleanly, about the backlash to 'Scandal'.
Dear Urban Sophisticate, you won for this one!!!
"Our society also suggests that women live and navigate their lives by the directions of a moral compass created by men but not followed by men. Enough of the double standards, if she’s a bed wεnch whοre then what does that make him?
"Let’s take a look at some of the entertainment choices of men: Strip clubs, pοrn, hip-hop music, and Hollywood movies — all of which we find so fascinating. But where’s our moral compass on these things? Broken, huh? We find fault in the scandalous occurrences in the show “Scandal” with Olivia Pope and Fitz but what about the degrading music in hip-hop? The dehumanizing scenes in pοrn flicks? The objectification of women exuded in many movies and music videos? We’re allowed to enjoy these forms of entertainment without too much of a peep from our female counterparts.
"Fellas, it’s understandable how you can feel the show is lacking some sense of morality. The problem is, before you attack the morality of women who watch the show, hold up a mirror at your choices of entertainment. If you’re so concerned about Scandal showing black women in a negative light, then hold your favorite rappers accountable, hold the movie directors accountable, the womanizers you call friends accountable, but ultimately hold yourself accountable for the actions that you commit that may be disrespectful to Black women." Welp.