A likable single woman gives herself six weeks to find a husband, sorting thru a motley crew of men, including a lying liar who lies and is caught in the act.
ESSENCE.com: 'The Bachelorette' Premiere Recap: At Best, We're Looking At Five And A Possible
Confession: I have never watched a single episode of The Bachelor or its spin-off, The Bachelorette.
Until last night, my Bachelor franchise “knowledge” began and ended with some vague concept called “a rose ceremony.” So how did we end up here? Enter Rachel Lindsay, a 31-year old black trial attorney, who looks curiously like Robin Givens. Lindsay’s the very first and long overdue black lead in The Bachelor franchise.
Real talk: dating reality shows can be a mixed bag of shenanigans, and on the scale of civilized to Flavor of Love, we’re not sure yet how this Bachelorette thing is going to play out. I mean, we’re hopeless romantics, but we’re also skeptical of folks who fall in love on a TV show. Fun fact: Rachel says she was skeptical of the whole process too when she appeared on The Bachelor until she actually found love there. But then the bachelor didn’t love her back, which is how she ended up here with 31 flavors… or er, suitors to choose from.
Anyway. We’re going to cover a couple episodes to support Rachel, and check out the guys who barely know her, but keep saying she is their future wife. Weird, right? Stranger things have happened. And some of them happened on the season premiere of The Bachelorette last night. Let’s get into last night’s husband hunt.
Read MoreThe Bachelorette: S13 E01- 31 Flavors of Men
The first black Bachelorette searches for love. There are 31 suitors total. Actual husband material is looking like 5 and a possible. Great for a hand of Spades, not so much for dating.
A completely delusional woman who is in desperate need of a therapist moves to New York to chase her professional dreams.