I trekked up to Harlem to catch the debut show of mixed-media artist Fabiola Jean Louis, a Brooklyn-based Haitian artist that "explores the events of the past, present, and the possibilities of the future that involve her community." I'd heard great buzz about her last year during Afro Punk (which I missed) and she'd been on my radar to check out ever since. A friend put me on to her latest show, "Re-writing History: Paper Gowns and Photographs."
Read MoreSee Some Art: "Art for Social Justice" at Urban Zen (NYC)
I swung by Art for Amnesty's "Art for Social Justice" exhibit at Urban Zen after seeing it flood my timeline on Friday night. I missed the opening night (private) festivities (and Usher and Donna Karan). Womp.
Luckily, I swung by on Saturday, not even knowing that 1) there was an event for the exhibit featuring the actual artists and; 2) the exhibit was only open to the public for ONE day.
Read MoreDear Nate Parker: We're Proud of You (and We also Need A Trailer)
Hi, Nate Parker:
We've been following the buzz around The Birth of A Nation for months now. And by following, I mean borderline stalking. The film, not you. That would be weird.
We are also obsessed with the story of Nat Turner. We're impressed and inspired by your dedication to bringing his story to the big screen. We've read that you're not only acting in the film, but you wrote it and put up your own dough. Way to step up to the plate. The film stills we've seen on Shadow & Act look not just promising, but amazing.
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